Sunday 24 March 2013

Splendid Isolation

A strangely beautiful album

Shoegaze. Barely known electronic sub-genre or instruction for optimum listening? I can't be sure, but I do know that the undisputed king of this little musical cul-de-sac is Ulrich Schnauss. And his finest hour has to be 'A Strangely Isolated Place'. But don't let the title fool you - it'll leave you feeling anything but lonely...

The album features eight digital lullabies that range from laid back to completely horizontal - this is the sort of chill out music that chill out music chills out to when it really needs to chill out. Well, you get the picture.

This long player glides along on waves of shimmering chords, mysterious vocal washes and sparkling beats. They're the kind of beautifully chilled soundscapes that should send you to Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  But weirdly doesn't. Because you won't want to miss a single sonic second.

From the warm waves of 'Gone Forever' to the dreamy 'A Letter From Home' to the gentle introspection of 'Clear Day' you'll quickly find yourself staring intently at your laces with a big dumb smile on your face.

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